11 January 2009

A Sinfully Delicious Way to Start the Weekend

This story develops backward. I promise, I will arrive at said sinfully delicious weekend starter. But first...how NOT to bake cupcakes:

Since my big oven was broken, and I didn't have a half-size cupcake pan for the mini oven, I thought, "Why not try out those silicone cupcake molds that have been hiding in my cupboard?" DON'T DO IT! They were burned out the outside and mushy-raw on the inside. What a disappointment.

But, throwing away cupcakes is a mortal sin (see, here's where the "sinfully" part of "delicious" comes in). So when they were cool enough to handle, I mushed them up, added cinnamon, sugar, an egg and some cream, and baked them all together in a mini casserole. Enter deliciousness:
Kind of like monkey bread crossed with coffee cake, but SO much better! Crunchy cinnamony goodness laced throughout fluffy, creamy-chewy cake.

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