28 January 2009

Rice Cooker Deliciousness

My rice cooker and I have gotten quite close lately. To paraphrase "A Mighty Wind", I start with a little bitty idea of what might taste good together, and the rice cooker brings it all together, developing flavors and textures to make a big, big idea! Case in point: the other day I threw in equal proportions of brown lentils and brown short-grain rice, plus a clove of garlic, and two hours later a warm, nutty, perfectly cooked pilaf emerged. I tried replicating the dish on the stove and ended up with overcooked lentils, undercooked rice and a burned pot bottom. Yes, the rice cooker is indeed magic.

So, in the spirit of easy, tasty meals, I rummaged through the fridge and my imagination. Lentils and rice were awesome, and I wanted a variation on that theme. One rice cooker cup of each into the bowl. The other day I made a chopped salad of apple, celery, rosemary, lemon and cheddar, for which I'll post the recipe later. The last apple and the last few stalks of celery got chopped up and thrown in with the lentils and rice. Going for the whole sweet/savory contrast, I added about a tablespoon of maple syrup and 2 of soy sauce. Finally, a few whole black peppercorns (ground is fine too) and a tiny pinch of salt. Add water, close the top, push the button and let "twinkle twinkle little star" signal the start of culinary magic. (yes my rice cooker plays TTLS).

Oh...my...god. This was SO good when it first came out - soft like a pilaf, with the apples and celery melting into the mixture but offering a hint of sweet and tang. The lentils and rice were even nuttier with the added acid and undertone of earthy soy sauce. A faint hint of maple also added earthiness and sweetness. I wrapped a warm scoop into a fresh tortilla and chowed away.

Then the next day...and the next...it just got better. Reheated with a splash of water to create steam, it seemed like the flavors melded as the days went by. If you were to serve this as a side dish, or as a component to a meal, I would recommend making it the day before, or letting it rest a bit before serving. It's so delicious, cheap and easy!!

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