28 January 2009

Midnight Gourmet

What do you do when it's 11 pm and you realize you forgot to eat dinner? Or rather, when you're hanging out with others and everyone suddenly realizes they are hungry? Raid the fridge! .... which usually means throw a bunch of stuff into a casserole, top with grated cheese and serve with tortilla chips. Ew. Not my style.

I had the following: a bunch of spinach, half an onion, a fennel bulb, and a little chunk of gorgonzola. What to do?

Slice up the fennel, drizzle it with olive oil and munch while thinking...Oh, and save the fronds.

Boil water for pasta and grab some farfalle (the little bowties). Those tend to grab sauce, so....

Caramelize the onion! Such a great way to add flavor to anything. Caramelized onions are a perfect balance between sweet and savory, and they pair well with just about anything. So, while munching on fennel, I sliced up the half onion and tossed it into a saucepan with some olive oil and a pinch of salt. Let it do its thing while the water comes to a boil.

Wash the spinach, and if using mature spinach (as opposed to baby?) chop coarsely. Cut the gorgonzola into cubes or crumble it.

By now the water should be boiling and the onions should be getting toward caramelized. Salt the pasta water and add the pasta. Splash the onions with a bit of balsamic and let it get all nice and soupy. When the pasta is about 2 minutes from done, add the spinach to the onions and toss around until it wilts. When the pasta is finished, take it directly from the pot to the pan with the onions and spinach. Toss, adding the gorgonzola and mixing until all is melty and well combined. Serve immediately, preferably with amazing red wine.

With this I happened to have a bottle recommended by my friend the wine guy: Atteca "Old Vines" 2007. Super complex, rich berry flavor, hinting at a bit of smokey chocolate. It went really well with the pasta, I'll say that.

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